Stu's Month-long Trip Updates

Stu McCutcheon spent the end of May and the better half of June in South Sudan, working on several projects and plans out at the Canada school along with overseeing the arrival of the 2023 shipping container. The trip started out hot and sunny, and a warm welcome party of students greeted them on arrival, where they explored the compound and got a look into the daily operations at the Clinic. The construction of the School Fence began. They were able to install the fence lines and put in 3 gates, making the school fully fenced in. This is paramount to keeping the children safe, and the neighbouring cattle off of the land. 

The following week was equal parts hot and productive, and much more headway was made on the school fence. The School Garden plot was cleared of all stumps and roots, and was plowed and is ready for planting. A large meeting was held with 10 community town leaders. The container left Mombasa and was on route to Jebel Ladu. The experimental Brick Burning Project has been quite a success, and the bricks are solid. Less sandy soil is being scouted for the next round of bricks.

Green horizon is now completely moved out from the Canada Farm, and have moved on to their next projects. Our director on the ground, Mach Majier, handed the keys to the Canada farm to the Minister of Agriculture and they are working together to find a new group to come on board and partner with. A meeting was held with the Gwerekek Community Development Committee and agreements were made for the new groups arrival. Mach is facilitating the transition.

The following week was wet. Some the the neighbours to the school and school garden came to help with the Garden. They helped fertilize and control the vegetation. The container successfully arrived at the CEDASS compound and was lifted down onto its forms with the help of a large crane. There are now many sea cans on location and the compound continues to grow. The container was full of beans, lumber, roof steel, dehydrated veg, feminine hygiene kits, books and bookshelves, clothing, footwear, laptops, and necessary mechanic parts for the tractors and seed planter among other items. Stu oversaw the maintenance that was completed on the planter and the tractor. Ultimately they were restored and ready for use. Stu and company were able to get the tractor, tiller, and planter in use and prepped the School Garden. The fence has been mostly completed at this point. The school teachers have wanted a fence for many years and have had it as one of their top priorities. This was a major win for the school. With the containers arrival brings the continuation of the VOW project. The school received a donation of many laptops so the students will receive education on how to work a computer.

All and all, the container arrived and was put into position and properly unloaded. The fence was completed, and the School Garden now has a Co-Op set up tp manage and oversee the garden. Sustainability will be the goal now moving forward. Mechanical problems on the tractor and planter were fixed, and the school garden was tilled. Many meetings were had and plans for the future have been laid out. The road ahead is long, but the work is being done and with Gods help needs are being met in the community of Jebel Ladu, South Sudan.

Thank you for your continued support. God bless each one of you.